I’m accepting any and all parenting advice for how to deal with a crazy 3 year old.  Seriously.  Please help us.

It’s been one of those ‘who do these kids think they are’ kind of weeks over here.  Fights have been breaking out almost constantly, bedrooms are trashed, manners are non-existent, and attitude is aplenty! Guess who the common denominator is in all of this?  Sweet little Lila Jane.  This week she turned into the family bully- even Tock can’t escape her wrath (and you know how she loves her daddy).  Here’s an example of what we’re dealing with:  The other night at dinner when it was Oliver’s turn to say what his favorite part of his day was, she kept interrupting him (on purpose) which caused him to get up from the table and stomp up to his room (insert door slam).   I went up and talked to him (he refused to come down until Lila was done with her dinner– he had clearly had enough) and then went back down to chat with Lila.  Here’s how our conversation went:

Me: Lila, Ollie is upset.

Lila: No he’s not.  He’s happy.

Me: No, he’s up in his room very upset.  You hurt his feelings.

Lila: No I didn’t.  You did.

Me: (very frustrated) I did not. You did, and you need to apologize.

Lila: Nope.  He’s happy.

It went on like that for a little while.  Tock and I just looked at each other.   Less than an hour later they were best buds again, and part of that is because of Oliver’s sweet personality and the fact that he doesn’t like conflict, in any way (he’s like his mama in that respect– for sure).  The MacInnes family was whole again even though Oliver still refused to share his favorite part of the day.

I’m just going to come out and say it— this is all our fault.  We’re very inconsistent with her and she gets away with WAY more than the other two kids.  It’s actually kind of embarrassing to be called out on your parenting inconsistencies by your own kids, but it’s happened (a lot).   I’m starting to understand why my parents treated my younger brother, who was a 3rd child as well,  like  ‘Boy King’ (which is a nickname that unfortunately for him, kind of stuck!  Love you Paul!!).  This parenting gig is H A R D.  But I wouldn’t be me if it weren’t for them.  So I accept the challenge.

Here’s our girl, refusing to wear a coat when we were up in Vermont this past weekend (note the snow on the ground).  She’s swearing at me with her eyes.




Tomorrow is another day. Have a glass of wine and snuggle with hubby. Works for me…sometimes. xo

Little devil if i’ve seen one! She’s grown so much. I do like to point out full moons (was there one?!?!) and that the boots have to count for something ??
Your blog posts make me smile. You are spot on about parenting. Keep it up. The good work and the blog 🙂