Lots of pomp and circumstance going on around here as Oliver ‘graduated’ from Kindergarten yesterday. This has been a huge year of growth for our guy. I mean HUGE. Last year was kind of a rough one for him. He was incredibly shy, so much so that his preschool teacher wrote “Oliver whispers so as not to be heard” on his evaluation for Kindergarten, and everyday when I asked him who he played with, he would reply “no one.” Heartbreaking.
And then Kindergarten rolled around and everything changed. I can remember that very first day of Kindergarten, when he tentatively climbed on the school bus and I watched my heart ride off . It’s nearly impossible to explain the feeling you get when you send your kids off to school for the very first time. It’s like a mixture of pride and heartbreak all rolled into one. And now, another school year is behind us and that once shy boy has turned into a confident almost first grader who would bound out to the bus stop with a smile on his face every morning, and can’t name who his best friend is because “I just love all of my friends the same.”
My heart was bursting yesterday as I watched him sing songs with his class, and walk up to accept his certificate and Kindergarten memory book. I couldn’t pick just one picture to share, but the first one is my ‘official’ P52 picture. Congratulations Oliver!!

Each week you make me cry! I miss you and your amazing family!
What a great year! I love the pride on his face in the first picture. Can’t wait to spend lost of time together starting next week !!! 🙂 xoxoxoxox
CONGRATS OLIVER! What a sweet post from a very proud mom!