The best thing I can do for my clients is put myself in their shoes.
So now when I say to you “it’s okay, all kids cry/scream/swear/pee by the car”, I can really mean it. Because my kids do it too.
And guess what? When I tell you that it’s okay that your kids are being naughty and you shouldn’t care– you should punch me in the face, because I cared. I tried so hard not to care, but I did. And then I swore. I threatened. I maybe pinched. I was desperate.
How hard is it to just sit and smile? Apparently it’s pretty fucking hard.
But she made up for it. Oh yes– it was my oldest who wore a scowl and spoke nasty words about me getting sprayed by a skunk (and I seriously hope she skips reading this post, but if not– it’s okay because it’s over and we’re happy and zippity do da no more family shoots for another year!!).
But in the end she apologized to me and Tock, and our awesome photographer/friend, Eric.
I’ll likely get annoyed again when Eric sends me our pictures. Then I’ll remember what he said to me after the shoot, about how it’s okay to remember the not so great times, and how the imperfect moments of parenthood are just as important as the perfect ones.
Like this one….