So, this happened.
Seemingly overnight.
Snow days are good for either staying in your pajamas (me), or trying on your mom’s shoe + purse collection (Abby). I told her I was just taking a picture of her feet and how they almost fill my size 8 shoes, but my wide angle lens and my position in the hallway didn’t allow that to happen. I captured all of her. And when I looked at the back of my camera and saw *this* I just knew I wanted it to be the picture that represented today, yet I had a feeling she wouldn’t let that happen. She’s wary of what I put online, and I (mostly) ask her for permission before I post a picture of her. She had to think about this one for a little while before saying yes (thank you, Abby).
There is so much more I want to say about this picture–about this girl–about this journey, but I think I’ll save it for her.
Abby:Thanks for letting your mom post this. When I come up (SOON) maybe shopping for some shoes should be on the agenda. Love Polly