This is how a Santoro does 40.
This weekend was entirely for her. Well, that’s a lie. This weekend was supposed to be just for her, but it ended up being for all of us. I am lucky enough to come from a family that I totally and completely worship. For reals. I mean, have you heard us sing the Mighty Santoro song?
My sister turned 40 last week, and she is rocking the crap out of it. I love you my lobster!!!
Also, just so you know:
1. She IS actually on a sled
2. That hill is seriously fast/steep/crazy even though it looks rather lame and level. It’s a danger zone.
3. we wore our pajamas until we absolutely had to get dressed and there is nothing wrong with that…. ever.
4. we missed our brother so very, very much all weekend.

That is all.
No. That’s a lie (again). I have another picture. Here are all the Santoro cousins- cold, happy, lucky, and amazing: Grace (5), Lila (4), Sam (1), Paige (8), Abby (10), Luke (7), Oliver (7)


DD, I need this picture of the kids

DD, I think you captured it all beautifully .
Nicole really does enjoy her birthdays doesn’t she:)