I’m going to confess something else.
And some of you may think it’s awful. Others might agree with me.
Sometimes I don’t make my kids write thank you notes.
Well, wait. We always attempt the thank you notes. But if it starts causing an issue (read: tantrum because they didn’t write what I wanted them to write) I will give up let it slide. I’m sorry. You’ve got to pick your battles, right? This year, I tried to make it super easy for Lila and even bought her the fill in the blank cards (that I HATE so much) but even that caused a massive meltdown (because apparently it’s perfectly acceptable to fill in those blanks with ONLY your name, so each note is to Lila, from Lila, and thankful for Lila. And don’t you DARE try to fight her on this).
Oliver started his birthday thank you notes yesterday and decided to do them in pencil in case he wrote something I didn’t like made a mistake. I’m still not sure if these notes will go out yet, but we’re trying. We’re really trying over here.


I REALLY needed a smile today. Thanks for providing.