Last week we went up to HHF for the kids vacation. It was a truly awesome week for the 6 of us (I count Teago as one of us, because she’s so cool. Didn’t you read my post from last week?). One of the days we were there I took Abby and Oliver on their very first snowshoe. We had a blast! Oliver led us on the trip back to the house and I had to keep telling him to slow down and wait for us. The kid was cruising!!
For 45 minutes, we trudged through the woods together. Sometimes we talked, other times we just listened to the crunch, crunch, crunch sound our snowshoes made. As we got closer to the house, the trail opened up and treated us to a spectacular view of the stunning Vermont landscape we sometimes take for granted. Abby paused, looked around and said “Wow. We’re really lucky to be here.”
I’m posting 2 pictures this week. I can’t help it. You’ll thank me.

I can smell the crisp cold air in these
ahhh meg, I love you for this, and so much more! Isn’t your god daughter amazing? 🙂
These made me tear up Danielle. I love hearing the profound uttered through the voice of children. Abby was able to see the beauty of the natural world around her and understand how grateful she is to be living amongst it. You have given her this gift and in so doing, have received the most special gift in return by noticing your daughter recognize, “we are lucky to be here.” Isn’t that what it’s all about? And yes, thank you.