Summer is winding down whether I like it or not.  I don’t.

In just over a week we’ll be packing our bags to head back to NH and our lazy days of summer will be replaced with all the madness that is associated with going back to school.  Instead of strapping Lila into her life jacket every day, I’ll be strapping her into the car seat, and dropping her off at her very first year of preschool (which I’m weepy about).  Oliver will no longer be able to walk the length of the beach everyday in search of sea glass,   And as for Abby, well, she just might be the one who will kick and scream louder than me when it’s time to go.  I truly do not know she will handle not seeing her cousin Paige every day. But wait, what am I going to do when I’m not able to see my sister every day? I hate this feeling.

We’ve been trying to cram as much as we can into these last few weeks, and because of that I completely forgot what day today was.  When I realized it was Friday and I had until the end of the day to publish this post, I started to panic and tried to think about which picture I would use for this week.  Had I even taken any pictures?  I remembered taking some pictures of Lila in the tub because the girl takes at least 2 baths a day (sometimes up to 4), but that didn’t really cover the emotions of the week.  I knew I had taken some with my iphone (because I am terrified of taking my real camera to the beach) so I started flipping through those pictures until I came to this weeks photo of Abby, Paige, Grace and their friend Maisie jumping waves as the tide came in.  I remember when I took the picture, I was just slightly annoyed that Abby had gone back into the water even though she knew we were packing up to leave the beach for the day, but I could still recognize that it was a cute picture (because I’m good like that!).  I was calling to her with my phone in my hand, poised to press that (too small) camera icon as she was yelling back at me “okay!  just one more wave!”  It just encompasses how I’m feeling now.  I know it’s time to go, but I can’t resist trying to prolong it.  I know I’ll see my sister again just a few short weeks after we leave here, but I can’t help but feel like that’s a lifetime away.  I know we’ll all be back here again next summer, but I’m just not ready to pack it all up and admit that this summer is really over.  Just one more wave……