I’m coming in under the wire for this post!! Some weeks it takes no effort at all to get a blog post up, but others (like this week), it takes a bit more energy and creativity to type it all up. This week, I didn’t take a single picture of my family with my real camera which made trying to choose a picture kind of hard! I did use my iphone camera a lot though– and that counts (because I make the rules for this blog)!
After much anticipation, and a touch of anxiety (I’m talking about me), Abby finally started sailing lessons on Monday morning. Her cousin and resident bestie, Paige also started so that alone gave her the boost of confidence she needed to head out the door on Monday morning. We all walked her down to the garage yacht club, and I could sense she was nervous but she was trying hard to appear confident and excited. I was actually feeling the exact same way. Abby and Paige walked in step with each other, talking about whether or not they needed water bottles, and how they could ensure they would be in the same boat together. As we approached the yacht club, Abby walked next to me and put her hand in mine (which I savored). We said quick goodbyes and I lingered by her sailing group, trying to listen to introductions and expectations for the day. I think I lingered a little too long because I was given a polite nod by her instructor which I know meant “time for you to go, lady.” But I didn’t go far. We all waited at the harbor, watching from afar as they got their boats ready, hopped in, and…. started sailing (with a JI in control)! And then, I ran to the end of the jetty and watched from there while my brother in law jumped on the paddle board and paddled out (far!) to where the kids were sailing. Clearly we were first time sailing parents, not yet comfortable with our girls being out on the open ocean without us to protect them. Of course they were fine- maybe slightly embarrassed at our stalking but they still waved at us with gusto as they sailed back into the harbor.
I used my iphone for this picture, so the quality is not awesome, but my daughter is! Here she is, on the closest boat, sailing out of the harbor for the very first time!!

and there goes your heart….