This week marks the halfway point in my P52 journey! Each week when I think of the pictures I want to use for this blog, I try to pick shots where I’ll be able to tell right away what was going on in our lives that week so that this project will read like a year in review. This weeks picture was easy for me to choose even though none of us are in it.
Summer has always been my favorite time of year, and even more so now that I’m older. Every summer when I was younger, we would bid farewell to our friends at home and cram into my parents station wagon for summer at New Silver Beach. And now, we’re lucky enough to be able to do the same for our kids. The friends that I grew up with every summer still come here now, bringing along their families and all of our kids get to experience the joys of a New Silver summer together. It’s pure bliss.
This weeks picture is of the infamous fishing jetty. It’s one of my favorite places to be as there are so many memories attached to this jetty. It’s where my father used to take my brother, sister and I fishing when we were little. It’s where I saw my very first shooting star. It’s where my friends and I would sneak to under the protective cover of darkness for sips of our first beers, and first kisses with summer flings. It’s like home to me. And now, it’s where we take our kids so they can go fishing with my father. It’s where they go crabbing with their cousins, armed with sea grass and crushed mussels for bait just like we used to do. And now, when I watch them expertly maneuver their way around that one rock that juts up on the jetty, their skin tan like a peanut, and their hair sun kissed and salty, I know that it’s home to them too.
I choke back tears watching my children doing the same things I did as a child.