I have literally started this blog piece over 5 times.  Once again I have the picture, but not the words.  I took this picture of my sweet Abby this morning, just as she was rushing out the door to catch the bus.  I made her stop and look at me so I could capture her in this moment of being nine years old.  Because not 5 minutes before, she and I were huddled over her baby book (she’s the only one with a real baby book that has words AND pictures documenting her first 18 months of life) trying to find a picture that she could bring in to share with her class for Show and Tell.  She was so small… and bald.  And I was so very young.

She settled on a picture of her 8 month old self, with her nose crinkled up and her lips pursed.

“Why was I making that funny face?”

Because that was the face you made when you didn’t like something.”

“Do you remember that mom?”

I nod.  I do remember.  I might not be able to recall what I did yesterday, but if you show me a picture of a moment with any one of my kids, chances are good that I’ll be thrust back into that time and remember it all.  That’s really the reason we take pictures, isn’t it?

So just as Abby was stepping off the front step I asked her to wait while I went to grab my camera.  Usually she grumbles at my snapshot requests, but today she didn’t.  Today she stood proudly on the step, not caring that the kids at the bus stop were watching us, and stared into my lens with a look in her eyes that makes my heart melt.  And maybe 9 years from now we’ll look at this picture–maybe while we’re trying to find photos to use in her senior slideshow– and we’ll both remember this morning.  We’ll remember the moment of time we had together pouring through her baby book, not really caring that the bus was coming or that I was going to the bus stop in my pajamas, again.



Excellently captured, you have inspired me to pull the camera out of hibernation.

do it!!! You are so talented!! xo

The way you can write in words what your heart is feeling amazes me. I read what you write and feel like you are speaking for me. You are an incredible mother, and photographer. Love reading your blog!

Thanks so much Rebecca! xo

This is a stunning work of photography and narrative. Love B

thank you!! your call meant a lot — even if you couldn’t hear me !!!

Danielle, you continue to do it to me every time—every time.
My wife, my children, and my grandchildren are my reason for being and what you capture in you words and pictures just melts me. Thank you.

where do you think I learned it all?? 🙂

Your favorite sister

Bawling. She is the best nine year old I know. Our entire (Santoro) family’s first true love.

love you for loving her the way you do…