Welcome to the world Samuel John!!
I’m an aunt 9 times over! That’s pretty cool, don’t you think? Yesterday, I had the honor of witnessing my beautiful and strong sister deliver her 4th baby, and now I’m desperately trying to find a word that encompasses all of the emotion and energy that surrounds being part of a birth (and not actually being the one doing the birthing). ‘Amazing’ doesn’t do it justice. Do you have a word for me?
When I was younger, I actually tried very hard to freeze time (this occurred after an especially exciting episode of the Wonder Twins). Obviously it didn’t work. But I can do it now, and I’m really good at it. I just have to press down on my shutter and once I hear that ‘click’, I’m happy. It goes without saying that I froze time a lot yesterday: My sister holding her son for the very first time. Click. My brother in law holding my sisters hand so tightly and beaming down at his son with teary eyes. Click. Paige, Luke, and Grace walking in to meet their new baby brother. Click. Click. Click. The new and improved Long family gathered around Samuel for their first family picture. Click.
We are so blessed.