This oldy timey (that’s a word, I’m sure of it) remnant of a post office was my first job. It was a legit post office for New Silver Beach, MA 02565. I was not legit working age, nor a legit government employee but that’s okay (or maybe it’s not??). The jail bar window was protection in case anyone tried to steal stamps, or my slush puppy.
Now it hangs on the wall of the Tea Room (what’s the Tea Room? More on that in a later blog post I’m sure, because summer isn’t summer without the Tea Room), and every time my kids drag me in there I see it hanging on the wall and smile.
Raise your hand if you didn’t know I used to work at a Post Office when I was 12.

Postmaster General

I’m catching up on your 365 while on vaca and stumbled upon this entry…. It is illegal to handle US Mail unless you are a government employee, and yet, we managed to sort and stamp with perfection! These memories are great!

You cannot see me but my hand is raised and I LOVE the symmetry of this photo.