I used to be really good about making albums. Our life was chronicled by season and tucked neatly away on a shelf or in a cabinet, only to be rediscovered at a later date and devoured page by page, picture by picture, by all of us. We are a technology driven society, and now albums have become a lost art– and to me, it just doesn’t make sense. Albums are tangible evidence that we were here. Our pictures are being hoarded on hard drives and smartphones when they deserve to be preserved in books. Our stories are begging to be told. Well, I’m going to change all of that. I’ll save all the details of my 2013 business plans for a later post, but be warned that I’m bringing albums back. Big time. You’re going to love it, I promise.
These two pulled our old photo albums out tonight and spend about an hour going through them. It’s like they know my big plan (or they have overheard Tock and I talk about it), and they wanted to show me that I’m doing the right thing, and moving in the right direction with my business.
If anything, I hope I’ve piqued your interest about the changes Danielle MacInnes Photography is about to make. Stay tuned……