When did he become fearless? When he stood up on the wall and told me to watch him jump, of course I panicked. Look– look at the cement! I told him he shouldn’t. He said it was fine, he did it yesterday (but before the driveway was plowed so he had a cushion of snow to jump into). I told him he might get hurt. He said it was fine, and to get ready because he was jumping. It happened so quick- and I was scared he was going to break his legs so I felt funny documenting it (but I did anyway). He knew what to do. He knew not to jump out too far, and not to lean forward too much. I didn’t watch him land. My eyes were closed and my face was hidden behind my camera (and mind you, I was not pressing the shutter, I was frozen). He was laughing when he walked over to me. I told him he couldn’t do it again.
So he asked if he could jump off the deck instead.

A few other pictures from today.

Oh– Oliver is standing up in the snow. We have the most giant snow mountain at the end of our driveway. Tons of tunnels and little hideouts were built today.

Handsome Otis. Getting so big.


I can attest to the fact that the apple does not fall far from the tree on Oliver. IT could have been a conversation and action I recorded with his father. Both very cute guys.