This is the problem with this project. Well, one of the problems. If you don’t take enough pictures— enough GOOD pictures– you’re stuck posting something like this.
Actually, I take that back. I kind of like this one. It’s a bonus that Oliver left his towel on. When I look at it, I can actually hear his gorgeous giggle. My sweet boy.
I don’t know if you (you??? Is anyone even reading this besides my mother in law and my friend Kevin???) know, but I am so very behind in posting 365 pictures. Confession: This picture was taken on November 22, but as I type this it is the wee hours of December 12. I haven’t missed taking a picture, but clearly I’m behind in posting everything. Chalk it up to a busy season, a busy life, laziness– whatever. The point is, I have almost finished what I set out to do— documenting every single day of 2013. Posting the photos is secondary to taking them.
Someday I’ll make the book that will hold one year of our family story and we will look at it and read the words and remember.
Remembering is so important, even though sometimes it’s just so much easier to forget.
Laziness?? Are you kidding. You and Tock work as hard as anyone I know. This is an amazing achievement.