When I started this blog two hundred and eighty eight days ago (!!!) one piece of advice a fellow 365 blogger told me was to try to take my picture in the morning when the light is beautiful and the pressure to get a good picture isn’t as threatening.
I am not a great morning person. None of us are, really. Weekday mornings are especially tough. We are racing against time to make it to the bus stop and I don’t know why it’s so hard. It comes at the same time every day. Yet every day we are scrambling to make it out the door– like we’re all of a sudden surprised that the bus is here.

What is that big yellow truck thing?
The bus?
What’s happening!!?!?
What should we do?
I’m scared!
Do we run? Should we get on it?

Today, I tried to take a picture in the morning. This is very clearly planned. I think I told her to smile. I think prior to this she was grimacing.
Oh well.
288/365… in the books!


Yeah, the smile looks really natural.