Sometimes this project weighs really heavy on me and I worry that I’m losing sight of the reason I started it– to challenge myself and to chronicle a year in the life of the Macs. I’ve missed so many opportunities for really wonderful photos, mostly because I have left my camera at home but sometimes because I’m just so sick of shooting.
This is a cool picture, I know. But I also know that when I took this, I did it out of haste and not out of trying to capture a moment. I don’t even know any of those kids. I took it because my sister and I were in charge of the Saturday post-race cookout at the yacht club and I knew once those kids came in, my camera would be safely tucked away where it wouldn’t get knocked off a table by a boom or a rudder (I’m so boaty! Boaty? Is that a real term?).
It bums me out that I’m missing some good opportunities to not only shoot, but to remember. I’ll keep plugging away though, because I’m positive I can create a picture in the remaining 143 days of the year that validates my reason for shooting every day.