Full disclosure: This picture was taking during a shoot. When I started this project, I said that my pictures had to have something to do with me or my family and couldn’t be a photo from a shoot. I don’t want to cheat, so I’m being honest.
I didn’t take a picture of my family or something that had to do with my family today. But I took a picture. I haven’t missed taking a picture in 217 days. I’m not letting this count as a missed day.
Also, this is sunset at Wild Harbor, and those pilings have meaning to me. I’ve likely sat on all of them and jumped from a few of them. So this picture has something to do with me, even though I took it during a shoot.
I know none of you really care, but I still feel the need to be honest and a little defensive nonetheless. I made the rules, and I’ve decided that no rules have been broken.
Carry on.


Who cares about cheating. This is a beautiful shot, but so it the one of Abby making her collage. I am glad you are home safe and sound. Big year ahead.