We’d been lucky enough to skirt the rain showers that have been descending upon the outer Cape for a few days. Not today. Oh, and the New Silver virus (fever, fever, fever) still lurks in the corners- just waiting for the next victim. We have zero indoor activities except for screens, and unfortunately (for me?) those were banned today, so we had to get creative. We have no art supplies, but we do have magazines, cardboard, scissors, and a very small amount of scotch tape. I let our kids (our 3 + Luke and Grace) make collages out of some teeny bopper magazines and my old photography magazines (that I swore I would read this summer). They had fun with it and spent hours cutting and taping pictures of various things that caught their eye. I should have worked during that time, but I kept catching glimpses of photos being cut out from my photography magazines and felt like my time would be better spent leafing through those.