Tock’s mom brought him some (wicked) old family books which had been passed down from one half of his namesake, Benjamin Rush. The books are tattered and worn so of course I was instantly drawn to them. But it was this one (above) that really grabbed my attention. It’s the diary of Benjamin Rush from the year 1871 when he was living in London. (Fun fact: Benjamin’s father–who had the same name–was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence). The handwriting is so beautiful– each stroke penned with a quill which makes every word look like an art form. It’s my new pleasure read.
Makes you stop to think about what we will have left behind for our ancestors to find 142 years from now?

(just as a fun tidbit for everyone, Tock’s other namesake is Richard Stockton. Benjamin Rush + Richard Stockton = Stockton Rush. Look those two fellows up. They’re pretty interesting).


Blair– this is the best book I have ever read!!! I am determined to solve his mystery ailment!!! Thank you so much for entrusting us with this crazy cool piece of history. Makes me want to keep a pen-to-paper diary. xo

She did love the pleasure reading and was treating all of us to snippets. I maybe his name was really Benjamin Santoro Rush.